What Are The Things to Know to Maintain The Steering System of Your Tesla Car?

The steering system is a key component of a vehicle through which the person can stay safe and steer the car properly. On a Tesla, however, although hardly much monitoring is needed, the steering must be checked occasionally to make sure it’s still in perfect working condition. Here is what the time is to check the steering system so that the Tesla is well-maintained.

tesla service NYC

New Tesla steering inspection

For new as well as used Tesla cars, we recommend having the technician check their steering system at the earliest maintenance visit, which is at 12,500 miles or 1 year from the purchase date. A technician of any Tesla is going to inspect the car in detail, look for loose or playful steering wheels, and make the power steering smooth and fast. This, therefore, sets up an ongoing record that can be compared with later ones.

Annual steering inspection

After the first visit, it's prudent to have the steering checked annually at the Tesla in Long Island along with your regular preventive maintenance. Tesla steering systems are incredibly durable, but it doesn't hurt to verify proper alignment, gear tightness, and wheel bearings condition and inspect for leaks each year. This ensures subtle issues don't progress. Tesla offers comprehensive annual inspections to give you peace of mind.

Inspection after impacts

Additionally, anytime the wheels take a significant impact, have the steering evaluated as soon as possible. Hits to the wheel rim or base can potentially knock the alignment out of specification. After accidents, curb strikes, or driving over major potholes, get the steering checked even if you don't notice any changes. Don't take chances with safety.

Listen for changes

Between yearly inspections, remain alert to changes in how the steering performs or sounds. Listen for new clicks, clunks, or whining noises which could indicate problems. Also be aware of vibrations, pulling, wandering, looseness, or uneven tire wear, which could mean alignment issues. If you notice anything abnormal, have it checked immediately.

The Tesla steering system is low maintenance but still benefits from regular inspection at the Tesla Long Island workshop. By following the recommended schedule and paying attention while driving, you can maximize steering safety and enjoy responsive handling for many miles.


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