What Should You Do Next After Checking Your Car Overheating?

 The recent-world vehicles feature smart cooling systems with different heat sensors & AI-driven electric fans. These features are great for keeping the engine running with efficacy. However, overheating may happen. To read more about the condition, let’s dive into this post
certified automotive repair NY

What are the Signs that your car is overheating?

Is your car overheating? Don’t you want to know the reason? Well, here are the signs that your car is overheating

•    Steam or smoke is coming out from its front underneath its hood
•    Its engine temperature gauge in the driver console spikes to “H” or moves into the gauge’s red area
•    Strange odors or smells emanating from the front space of your vehicle.
•    Leaking coolant may have a sweet smell, and oil leaks produce a burnt one.

Dos and Don’ts when your car is overheating

Here is a list of dos and don’ts when you see your car is over heating


•    If you notice any of these signs, immediately switch off the AC
•    Turn up the heat that can actually divert the heat away from your engine.
•    Find a safe position to pull over &shut off your engine.
•    Allow the engine to cool for a minimum of 15 minutes
•    Add radiator fluid
•    Restart the car engine and drive to the nearest repair shop

If nothing works, now is the right time to visit the nearest certified automotive repair NY


•    Never take the risk to continue driving at that moment. Remember, your risk may cost you your life.
•    Do not panic during this critical condition. The engine may have lost the cooling control. But you do not lose yours (just kidding). Drive with utmost patience until you find a safe place to pull over
•    It’s not the right time to open the car hood because it may be risky
The overheating engine would not repair itself. So, you must bring the vehicle to a repair shop for certified auto repair services. With these things covered, you can resolve the car overheating problem in no time. Ensure that you follow these tips and tricks.


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